Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Suggested Reading

Thought I should start this blog off with a list of some of the best posts I'ver read in the past years.

The first one is a post by JB from B/X Blackrazor about clerics and their motivation for adventuring. This post made clerics finally "click" for me, and I recommend you read it if you've ever struggled with explaining to your table why a supposedly holy man would go tomb-robbing with a bunch of criminals and killers:

Old Time Religion (part 2)

The next blog post is about localism. Namely, it explores the idea of doing away with the ubiquity of all kinds of monsters and institutions in favor of keeping them tied down to just one area in particular. What if there's *just one* dwarven kingdom in your campaign world? Just one tribe of bugbears that live in a very specific forest? Etc...

Localism: the adventure as microclimate

The next one provides a couple of justifications for adventurers going on adventure in your fantasy world. It's perfectly fine to just kick off a campaign with the premise of "go loot the big dungeon next to the village", but if you want something that makes a little bit more sense, check out this post:

Wanted: Professional Adventurers

The next one is a wonderful piece of fluff on the topic of D&D spellcasting, reskinning spells as extra-dimensional magical parasites that can drive you insane. If you like Vancian spellcasting, or if you don't like it because you think it doesn't make sense, you should read this:

Spells: Parasites of the Mind

And finally, a post about killing a dragon in a dungeon, why you should use dragons in your games, and what kind of dragons work best in old school games.

Your Dragons Suck

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